Timeline Stories

All timeline stories.

03 máj: The first maps of the Dubník mines

Attorney Gabriel Fejérváry became a new tenant of the mines, who probably drew the first mining maps of this area. It was he who was responsible for the system of “correct” mining and a great future began to be drawn for the site.

03 máj: Tough times for Dubník opal

Jozef Rumpler had devastated the deposit by spontaneous opal mining, which led to the withdrawal of the deposit and a new lease to Marek Szentiványi. After him, there was silence in the mines, as there was no candidate to apply for the lease.

03 máj: Opal skirmishes

It seems that there have been many controversies over opal mining. At the end of the 18th century, the monarch entrusted mining to the Viennese jeweller Joseph Rumpler. However, it was not long before the company Neumány took over the mines tenancy. However, this position did not long in the..Dozvedieť sa viac…

03 máj: Status report of opal deposits

In 1789, Anton Ruprecht, professor of the Mining Academy in Banská Štiavnica, drew up a report on the status of opal deposits. The image of the existing mining area is still preserved in it, together with period instructions and plans. In his presence, the first experimental tunnel opened in the..Dozvedieť sa viac…